School reopens
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 6th March. Our theme this year is Bedtime Stories so we will be asking the children to come to school in their pyjamas and bring with them their teddy bears and blankets. Each Key Stage will be having a book swap that day. If your child has a book that they have read and no longer want, they can bring it in and choose a book that one of their classmates has finished with.
The BIG Bedtime Read:
Alongside other events happening in school, we will be holding a big bedtime reading event. The hall will be turned into a cosy twinkly reading area where the children can share a book with you or another adult. At the same time, we will also be holding some short parent workshops all about reading and things that you can discuss with your child when reading.
Timings are as follows:
2.30-2.45 Foundation Stage Parent Talk
2.30-3.20 Foundation Stage Bedtime Read
3.45 KS1 Parent Talk
3.45-4.30 KS1 Bedtime Read
4.30 KS2 Parent Talk
4.30-5.15 KS2 Bedtime Read
We hope that you will be able to support us in our continuing endeavour to raise the profile of reading at Willand School.