Online Safety

Technology is now integral to the lives of children and young people.  The internet and other technologies are powerful tools, opening up new opportunities.  Working online, however, can put young people at risk within and outside school.

Many children will receive new devices for birthdays, Christmas and to upgrade older equipment so this is a reminder of some resources that are available to help you to keep them safe.

Resources to safeguarde the use of electronic equipment by children

We strive to ensure the safety of our pupils whilst they are online in a number of ways.  Online safety is taught as an integrated part of the computing curriculum.  In school we regularly talk about online safety issues.   Each child is given their own copy of the SMART Online Safety Code.  We also highlight online safety regularly through events such as Safer Internet Day in February each year.  We make the children aware of their online responsibilities through the use of our acceptable use agreements (KS1KS2).  More detail can be found in our online safety policy.

Online Safety Update November 22

As parents, it can be difficult to know how to manage these online risks.  There are lots of resources available to help, some of which we have provided links to at the bottom of this page.  Cullompton Community College produce a helpful monthly guide and some of the organisations below also offer a free subscription to regular updates for parents.

A Parent’s Guide to Dealing with ‘Sexting’  It can turn into every parent’s worst nightmare – their child taking explicit or inappropriate pictures of themselves, sharing them with others via the internet or their mobile phone and losing control of the image in the process. This guidance will help parents work through how to deal with the incident and how to take control.

Cullompton Community College provide monthly updates for parents and carers.

Please find links below to useful websites regarding children’s online safety:

A government website where you can report any abuse online straight to the Police. It also provides information for children and parents.

A CEOP website with information for children and parents regarding Online Safety and the dangers of communicating with others you don’t know.

KNOW IT ALL—Childnet International web page with information about current technologies and their use.

Childnet International home page with links to different safety projects.

Information for children and parents regarding online safety.

Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online.

NSPCC Online safety hub providing guidance to technology for parents and carers.

Parents and carers guide to technology.

Parents and carers guide to WhatsApp.