Music and the Arts

We are so proud of the range of talents that the children at Willand School possess. We regularly share their achievements with the school and we love to show-off their skills, abilities and work at every opportunity.  Enthusiastic singing in whole-school and Key Stage assemblies is just a start. Music lessons are delivered to pupils by specialist music teachers. Class assemblies throughout the year, Key Stage productions, our annual Arts Week and termly Music Extravaganzas are carefully planned to develop artistic, music, drama and dance skills .They also enable us to showcase the whole class instrument tuition and keen Key Stage choirs which helps to develop the children’s self-confidence.

A range of hugely talented musical instrument teachers deliver individual and group tuition for a range of instruments. Currently there are keyboard, guitar, drum and recorder lessons available for pupils.

All of this takes place within a stimulating environment, with constantly changing displays of children’s work, which contribute to creating a vibrant atmosphere in which children love to learn and develop.