Starting School

Starting school is an important step in life and the school values its partnership with parents to make this transition as smooth as possible.  In order to aid entry for the children, close links are maintained with Willand Pre-school.  In the term before a child starts school, sessions are held at Willand Pre-school where children work on some of the early skills they may well meet in school.  Please contact Willand Pre-school for more details (01884 33711).

All children have the offer to start on a full time basis at the beginning of the Autumn Term. All parents have the option to defer their child’s start to a different time depending on the month of their birth. Parents may also request a part time offer for their child after discussion with the Headteacher. The school can provide morning sessions only for children attending part time. This is again dependent on their month of birth. (Please see the Admissions Policy on the school website) Please feel free to contact the school should you wish to discuss deferrals or part time provision for your child.

Parents need to complete an Application for Admission to Primary School Form to request a place for their child at Willand School.  Please apply online.  If you do not have access to a computer please contact My Devon on 0845 155 1019 for an information pack.  Alternatively you may use one of the school’s computers.  Devon County Council’s Admissions Panel will  inform you that your child has been accepted at Willand School.  You will then receive a letter from the school inviting you to the Willand Welcome evening where you will be given an Induction Pack.  Admission to the Foundation Class will include a short part-time introduction where appropriate.  Admissions are the responsibility of Devon County Council and will be in accordance with Devon County Council’s guidelines.  For full details and criteria for admission, please see our admissions page.

The Planned Admission Number for the Foundation Stage for 2018-2019 is 60.

The curriculum in the Foundation classes will continue the good work already begun at your child’s pre-school setting.

We understand that each child is unique and ensure that work will be adapted to each child’s particular needs and development.

In the half term prior to starting school, children at Willand Pre-school visit the school for a series of story sessions when children will meet their class teacher and have a chance to be in the school setting.  Details of these dates are available from Willand Pre-school, or please contact the school if your child attends another pre-school.

A few weeks before your child starts their class teacher will invite you to visit school to give you an opportunity to discuss any worries or concerns you might have.  The teacher will also visit Willand Pre-School to spend some time getting to know your child.

A social evening ‘Willand Welcome’ is held in June in the academic year before your child is due to start school in the Foundation class.  On this occasion parents are invited to tour the school, meet Governors, the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher and the Key Stage 1 teaching team.  At this event a folder is given out containing curriculum information and an Induction Pack which should be completed and returned prior to your child starting school.

A few weeks into the term after your child has joined us you will be invited to a meeting to further explain the Foundation Stage curriculum and how you can support your child.

Children and parents are always welcome to attend any of the open events in school, such as parent assemblies, Harvest Festivals, Christmas Fair etc.

We hope that the start of your child’s school life will run smoothly for your child and you.  Please remember that your child’s teacher is available to deal briefly with problems from 8.50 am to 9.00 am in the morning, at 3.30 pm to 3.40 pm in the afternoon, or by appointment if a longer time is needed.