School Meals

We have our own kitchen and meals are cooked on the premises

We use fresh ingredients and offer a healthier choice for children.

All children in the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. However, if you have a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 it is VITAL that you apply for Free School Meals if you are eligible.  Part of our government funding to support learning is linked to the number of children eligible for Free School Meals.  Any child who has been in receipt of Free School Meals during any time (however short) that they have been enrolled at school, supports our Pupil Premium funding for up to 6 years.  

For all other children, meals can be purchased either through the online payment system or by cheque / cash. Your online purchase uses secure technology and your card details are not held on the server.  The minimum online purchase is for ten meals. Alternatively money (a cheque is preferred) for meals may be placed in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and details of the payment and sent in to school.  Please note that all meals taken during the week must be paid for in advance.

You will have an ‘account’ in school and there will be a method of tracking your payments and the meals taken by your child/ren. A meal costs £2.20 from April 2018. 

If you are in receipt of Free School Meals your child will be eligible for a meal each day.  Free meals may be available for children whose parents are in receipt of income support and/or child tax credits.  Please do not hesitate to come into the office and seek advice if your circumstances change and you think you may be eligible or  Apply Online  For those parents who are eligible, your ‘account’ will be credited for every day that your child requires a meal.

Your child will tell their teacher each morning if they are having a school dinner.  They will need to tell their teacher if they want a main meal, vegetarian meal, a jacket potato, or a pasta pot  and if so, what filling.  For those children who may be too young to do this (or likely to forget!) you can always let us know either by sending an e-mail to or a written note can be handed into the office before school.

Many children stay and enjoy school meals; some bring sandwiches and a very few children go home for lunch.