
In line with the requirements of the National Curriculum, we aim to ensure all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including tackling increasingly complex calculations and real life situations. They are taught to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of tasks with increasing sophistication.

The children have regular experience of number work and practice of the basic four rules – i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children also learn a range of mental recall and calculation skills to encourage the development of flexibility and efficiency in dealing with calculations.   Alongside this there is a balance of mathematical experience linked to work in fractions (including decimals and percentages), geometry, measurement (e.g. time, length and capacity), algebra and statistics.

It is our aim that the mathematics work undertaken in school should encourage a positive attitude; a sense of enjoyment and curiosity; an ability to think clearly and logically; an understanding through a process of enquiry and experiment; an appreciation of structures and patterns; confidence; and good work habits (e.g. persistence, cooperation).